With this teaching pack you can help students safely enjoy their emerging sexuality when they are ready. It enables you to educate them while developing their attitudes and skills with regard to relationships and sexuality.
Long Live Love is a curriculum about love, relationships and sexuality for secondary schools and vocational schools. The method consists of three teaching packs: Long Live Love for general secondary education (second year), Long Live Love for higher secondary education (4-5th year) and Long Live Love for vocational school. Long Live Love for general secondary education (second year) is partly available in English. Information about this teaching pack, can be found on this webpage.
Impressions of Long Live Love
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With this teaching pack you can help students safely enjoy their emerging sexuality when they are ready. It enables you to educate them while developing their attitudes and skills with regard to relationships and sexuality.
The Long Live Love themes are: puberty, falling in love, relationships, homosexuality, what you want, drawing the line and assertiveness, the internet, groomers, the first time, problems with sex, getting help, safe sex, condoms and contraception.
What’s happening to you?
This lesson is about puberty, falling in love, discovering your sexual identity and the influence of parents and friends on beginning a relationship.
What are you ready for?
This lesson is about chatting up and going out with someone, breaking up with them and a broken heart, making choices in relationships and types of intimate physical contact.
Where do you draw the line?
This lesson is about discovering what you want and where you draw the line, finding out how the other person feels about that, talking about what you do and don’t want, using the internet safely, undesirable experiences and groomers.
How do you make sex special?
This lesson is about the first time, how to have sex when you are ready, safely and enjoyably, coping with problems with sex and getting help with your questions and problems.
Safe sex: what’s that?
This lesson is about preventing pregnancy, preventing STIs, safe and unsafe sexual behaviour and what to do after unsafe sex.
Safe sex: how do you do it?
This lesson is about preparing for safe condom use, preparing for contraceptive use, choosing contraception, using condoms, talking about contraceptives and condoms, and coping with resistance to condom use
The teaching pack consists of six lessons. Each lesson takes a minimum of 50 minutes (one lesson period) to complete. How long the lesson takes depends on the time available, the class, class reactions and whether the subject is particularly relevant for the class. It is important to follow the order of the lessons as it is given and to use all the subject content. The teaching materials have been developed to be used together and to cover all the themes relating to relationships and sexuality.
In the Long Live Love series of lessons we have taken into account:
Read through a digital version of the magazine. You can also order it in the webshop.
Read the magazineAll six lessons come with an additional film. Each film is about seven minutes long and is structured the same way.
Watch the video's
Do you want to know more about Long Live Love or about the other Long Live Love teaching packs? Please contact us: info@longlivelove.nl